Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Bigger Danger

No, this is not what I normally look like. Apparently there is something in the woods to be feared more than the snakes, or even the deer-eating carnivors (see last post). I still don't know what it is, but let me just say, when nature calls, choose your leaves wisely!!!

I don't think it was the leaf itself, but rather the airborne spores that were flying around. Anyway, I am still running out there...just being a little more careful.

After the rash and swelling was almost gone, it was time for the little vacation I had been anticipating for the last couple of months. But after the three-day vacation in Rocky Mountain National Park last week, I am a little less impressed with the Oklahoma trails.  Don't get me wrong, I think Oklahoma a great place to live, but perhaps I have been here too long. Besides forgetting how beautiful nature is in other parts of the country, I have also developed Oklahoma lungs. The altitude out there about killed me. A bunch of guys from my Sunday School class and I camped out there and hiked Hiatts Peak--absolutely beautiful. The 10-mile out-and-back hike from Bear Lake took us to an altitude of about 12,900 feet (not quite as high as Pikes Peak, but I had forgotten just how hard that was). I went for a SHORT jog the next morning, and I think in a couple more days I might have gotten adjusted to the altitude. I will try to include some pictures shortly.  Needless to say, I tried to stay away from leaves while I was out there.

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